Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 550 million active monthly users. It offers a variety of features and functionalities, such as end-to-end encryption, cloud-based storage, group chats, channels, stickers, and more. But one of the most distinctive and powerful features of Telegram is its support for chatbots.

Chatbots are software programs that can interact with users using natural language. They can perform various tasks, such as providing information, entertainment, services, or products.

In this post, we will explore some of the top Telegram chatbots that you can try in 2023. We will also show you how to create your own Telegram chatbot using Botpress, a leading open-source chatbot platform.

Why should you use Telegram chatbots? What are they?

Telegram chatbots are chatbots that run on the Telegram platform. They can communicate with users through text messages, voice messages, images, videos, or other media. They can also use buttons, menus, keyboards, or inline queries to make the interaction more user-friendly and intuitive.

Chatbots on Telegram can be utilised for a number of things, including:

  • Providing customer service and support
  • Generating leads and sales
  • Delivering news and updates
  • Offering entertainment and games
  • Educating and training
  • Automating workflows and processes

Telegram chatbots can benefit both users and businesses in many ways. For users, they can:

  • Save time and effort by getting instant answers and solutions
  • Access a wide range of services and products at their fingertips
  • Enjoy personalized and engaging experiences
  • Learn new skills and knowledge

For businesses, they can:

  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Reduce operational costs and resources
  • Boost revenue and conversions
  • Enhance brand awareness and reputation
  • Collect valuable data and insights

How to create a Telegram chatbot using Neoleads?

Creating a Telegram chatbot can be easy and fun if you use Neoleads. Neoleads is a platform that allows you to build, manage, and deploy chatbots for various channels and platforms, including Telegram.

With Neoleads, you can create a Telegram chatbot in just a few steps:

  1. Sign up for a free account on Neoleads or log in with your existing account.
  2. Create a new bot or choose from the pre-built templates.
  3. Design your bot’s conversational flow using the visual editor or code editor.
  4. Connect your bot to Telegram using the Telegram connector.
  5. Test and deploy your bot to your Telegram account or channel.

You can also use Neoleads’s advanced features to enhance your bot’s capabilities, such as:

  • Natural language understanding (NLU) to analyze user intents and entities
  • Natural language generation (NLG) to generate dynamic and natural responses
  • Dialog management (DM) to handle complex and multi-turn conversations
  • Analytics to measure and optimize your bot’s performance
  • Integrations to connect your bot to external services and tools

If you want to learn more about how to create a Telegram chatbot using Neoleads, you can check out this guide.

Top Telegram chatbots to try in 2023

Now that you know how to create a Telegram chatbot using Neoleads, let’s take a look at some of the top Telegram chatbots that you can try in 2023. These are some of the most popular and valuable chatbots that cover different categories and purposes.

1. Eddy Travels

Eddy Travels is a travel assistant chatbot that helps you find the best deals on flights, hotels, tours, and more. You can simply type or say what you are looking for, such as “flights from New York to London” or “hotels in Paris”, and Eddy Travels will provide you with relevant options and links.

Eddy Travels also offers travel inspiration, tips, reviews, and news. You can ask Eddy Travels questions like “Where should I go next?” or “What are the best things to do in Berlin?” and get personalized suggestions.

Eddy Travels is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and integrates with various travel platforms, such as Skyscanner,, Airbnb, TripAdvisor, and more. You can also use Eddy Travels to compare prices, check reviews, and get the best deals.

Eddy Travels is one of the best Telegram chatbots for travellers who want to plan their trips easily and quickly. You can start using Eddy Travels by adding it to your Telegram contacts or joining its channel.

2. Lyricator

Lyricator is a music assistant chatbot that helps you find the lyrics of any song. You can simply type or say the name of the song or the artist, or even a part of the lyrics, and Lyricator will provide you with the full lyrics and a listening link for the song.

Lyricator also offers music trivia, quizzes, recommendations, and news. You can ask Lyricator questions like “Who wrote this song?” or “What does this lyric mean?” and get interesting facts and insights.

Lyricator is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and integrates with various music platforms, such as Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music, and more.

3. Sticker Bot

Sticker Bot is a fun and creative chatbot that helps you create your own stickers. You can simply send an image or a text to Sticker Bot, and it will turn it into a sticker that you can use in your chats.

Sticker Bot also offers sticker packs, templates, filters, and effects. You can browse and download sticker packs from different categories, such as animals, memes, celebrities, etc. You can also customize your stickers with different shapes, colours, fonts, etc.

Sticker Bot is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and uses computer vision and natural language processing to create stickers.

4. Skeddy

Skeddy is a productivity assistant chatbot that helps you manage your tasks and reminders. You can simply type or say what you want to do and when you want to do it, such as “buy milk tomorrow at 10 am” or “call mom every Sunday at 8 pm”, and Skeddy will create a reminder for you.

Skeddy also offers calendar integration, recurring reminders, snooze options, and more. You can sync your reminders with your Google Calendar, Outlook, or other apps. You can also set reminders to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Moreover, you can also snooze or postpone your reminders if you need more time.

Skeddy is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and uses natural language understanding to create reminders.

5. Gamee

Gamee is an entertainment chatbot that helps you play games with your friends. You can simply choose from hundreds of games in different genres, such as arcade, puzzle, action, sports, etc., and start playing with Gamee.

Gamee also offers social features, leaderboards, challenges, and rewards. You can invite your friends to join you in playing games, chat with them while playing, compete with them on the leaderboards, challenge them to beat your scores and earn coins and badges.

Gamee is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and uses gamification to create engaging and addictive experiences.

6. Spotybot

Spotybot is a music assistant chatbot that helps you control your Spotify account and discover new music. You can simply type or say commands to Spotybot, such as “play”, “pause”, “next”, “previous”, etc., and it will execute them on your Spotify app or web player.

Spotybot also offers music recommendations, playlists, lyrics, and news. You can ask Spotybot questions like “What is this song?” or “What are the top songs of the week?” and get relevant answers and links.

Spotybot is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and integrates with Spotify’s API. You can also use Spotybot to share your music with your friends on Telegram.

7. Weatherman

Weatherman is a weather assistant chatbot that helps you get accurate and up-to-date weather information for any location. You can simply type or say the name of the city or the country, or send your location to Weatherman, and it will provide you with the current weather conditions, forecast, and alerts.

Weatherman also offers weather trivia, tips, jokes, and facts. You can ask Weatherman questions like “Why is it raining?” or “What is it the coldest on earth?” and get interesting and informative answers.

Weatherman is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and uses data from various sources, such as OpenWeatherMap, Dark Sky, Weather Underground, and more.

8. Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a knowledge assistant chatbot that helps you get answers to any question or query. You can simply type or say anything to Wolfram Alpha, such as “How many calories are in a banana?” or “Who is the president of France?”, and it will provide you thorough and precise responses.

Wolfram Alpha also offers calculations, graphs, charts, diagrams, and more. You can ask Wolfram Alpha questions like “What is the area of a circle?” or “What is the population of India?” and get visual and numerical results.

Wolfram Alpha is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and uses data from its own computational knowledge engine. You can also use Wolfram Alpha to learn new skills and knowledge.

9. VoteBot

VoteBot is a polling assistant chatbot that helps you create and participate in polls on Telegram. You can simply type or say commands to VoteBot, such as “/newpoll”, “/vote”, “/results”, etc., and it will guide you through the process of creating or joining a poll.

VoteBot also offers various options and features for your polls, such as multiple-choice, single-choice, anonymous, public, etc. You can also customize your polls with different titles, descriptions, images, etc.

VoteBot is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and uses data from Telegram’s API. You can also use VoteBot to share your polls with your friends or groups on Telegram.


Telegram chatbots are chatbots that run on the Telegram platform. They can help you perform various tasks, such as providing information, entertainment,

services, or products. They can also provide personalized and engaging experiences that can increase your satisfaction and loyalty.

To create a Telegram chatbot, you can use Neoleads, a platform that allows you to build, manage, and deploy chatbots for any channel or platform. With Neoleads, you can create a Telegram chatbot in just a few steps and use its advanced features to enhance your bot’s capabilities.

To try some of the top Telegram chatbots, you can check out the examples we shared in this post. These are some of the most popular and useful chatbots that cover different categories and purposes.

We sincerely hope you had fun and benefited from reading our blog. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know. We would love to hear from you.

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