
sumit rathore


So, you’ve heard about the recent updates from Google and Yahoo/AOL regarding bulk sender guidelines, and you’re wondering what steps you need to take to ensure compliance. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are five crucial actions you can take to keep your sending accounts in good standing with these email giants. Set up SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Bulk senders are now required to implement SPF according to the new guidelines. If you’re not…

In 2024, the way we use email is about to take a major turn. Gmail has introduced new rules that everyone emailing personal accounts (those ending in and must follow. What were once suggestions for best practices are now mandatory rules. If you don’t follow these new guidelines, you might quickly find your emails not reaching their intended inboxes. Ignoring these rules could mean your emails are blocked or marked as spam by…

In today’s digital age, our inboxes are bombarded with emails. A study found that the average person working in a business environment deals with about 121 emails every day. It’s no wonder that many of us have adopted the quick scan-and-delete approach, leading to a decline in email open rates. This issue is a significant challenge for marketers everywhere. For those in marketing or running a business, getting your emails opened is crucial for the…

Let me ask you this, are you one of those struggling to make your emails work or trying to hit your mark into effective email marketing? Well, It’s not going to be easy. You are not, however, alone. Today, everyone uses email. There are about 4 billion daily email users. That is why it is a popular marketing channel. Small businesses love them too, with 64% using email marketing to reach customers. (Campaign Monitor, 2021)…

Understanding the B2B Buyer’s Journey is very important in today’s time owing to its complexity of the stages involved. Our online research reveals that 74% of B2B buyers conduct more than half of their research online before making a purchase decision. (Source: Forrester Research) and 57% of the B2B buying process is completed before a buyer even contacts a supplier. (CEB, now part of Gartner) However with the lack of insight, many businesses today struggle…

Are you having trouble getting clients that your company requires to thrive or simply wondering why the process of attracting leads is so difficult? Well, You are not alone! Lots of companies face what we call “Client Acquisition Challenges” In fact, a lot of businesses, about 72%, face difficulties in getting clients (Forrester Research) and another study shows that 63% of businesses consider client acquisition a top challenge in their journey. (HubSpot) The path to…

Email marketing is a powerful and effective way to reach your audience and promote your products or services. But before you hit the send button, you need to make sure that your email campaigns comply with the CAN-SPAM Act, a federal law that sets the rules and standards for commercial email messages. In this blog, we will explain what the CAN-SPAM Act is, how it affects email marketers, and how to follow its requirements and…