If you want to generate more leads for your online business, you need to have a landing page that captures the attention and interest of your potential customers. Lead generation landing pages are web pages that are specifically designed to offer something valuable to your visitors in exchange for their contact information, such as a free ebook, a webinar, a consultation, or a coupon. A landing page is usually the destination of your online marketing campaigns, such as email, social media, or paid ads.

The purpose of landing pages is to convert your visitors into leads, which are prospects who have shown interest in your product or service and have given you permission to contact them. By converting your visitors into leads, you can move them further along the sales funnel and eventually turn them into customers.

However, creating a landing page that converts is not a simple task. You need to consider various factors, such as the offer, the design, the copy, the form, and the optimization.

In this blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about lead generation landing pages, which are web pages that are designed to capture the contact information of potential customers who are interested in your product or service.

You will learn:

By the end of this blog post, you will be able to create stunning and effective lead generation landing pages that convert.

So, let’s get started!

What are lead generation landing pages?

Lead generation landing pages are web pages that are designed to capture the contact information of potential customers who are interested in your product or service. They are often used as the destination of online marketing campaigns, such as email, social media, or paid ads.

The goal of a lead generation landing page is to persuade visitors to fill out a form, sign up for a free trial, download a lead magnet, or take any other action that will move them further along the sales funnel.

Lead generation landing pages differ from other types of landing pages, such as click-through landing pages, sales landing pages, or thank-you landing pages, in terms of their purpose, structure, and content.

The purpose of a lead generation landing page is to generate leads, which are prospects who have expressed interest in your offer and have given you permission to contact them.

The structure of a lead generation landing page is usually simple and focused on the offer and the form.

It typically consists of these elements:
  • A headline and subheadline that state the main benefit of the offer
  • A visual that shows the offer in action or demonstrates the outcome or benefit of using it
  • A copy that explains the offer and persuades the visitors to take action
  • A form that collects the contact information of the visitors in exchange for the offer
  • A call to action that tells the visitors what to do next
  • Social proof and trust signals that show that the offer is credible, valuable, and popular

The content of a lead generation landing page is usually concise, relevant, and engaging. It should address the pain points, needs, goals, challenges, and motivations of your target audience. It should also highlight the value proposition, benefits, and features of your offer. Creating a sense of urgency, scarcity, or exclusivity for your offer is vital.

Why do you need lead generating landing pages?

You need to use lead generation landing pages because they can help you achieve these benefits:

  • Increase your conversion rate: Lead generation landing pages can help you increase your conversion rate by providing a clear and compelling offer that matches the needs and interests of your visitors. They can also help you reduce distractions and friction by removing unnecessary elements, such as navigation menus, links, or buttons, that may divert your visitors away from your goal.
  • Grow your email list: Lead-generation landing pages can help you grow your email list by offering a valuable incentive that entices your visitors to give you their email addresses. You can then use email marketing to nurture your leads and build a relationship with them until they are ready to buy from you.
  • Segment your leads: Lead generation landing pages can help you segment your leads by asking for specific information that allows you to categorize them based on their demographics, psychographics, behaviours, or preferences. You can then tailor your marketing messages and offers to each segment and increase your relevance and personalization.
  • Measure your performance: Lead-generation landing pages can help you measure your performance by providing you with data and feedback that show how well your landing page is achieving your goals. You can use tools such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, SurveyMonkey, etc., to track and analyze metrics such as conversion rate, bounce rate, time on page, etc. You can also use tools such as Unbounce, Leadpages, Instapage, etc., to run tests and optimize your landing page based on data and feedback.

How to Create Lead Generation Landing Pages that Convert

Lead generation landing pages are web pages that are designed to capture the contact information of potential customers who are interested in your product or service. They are often used as the destination of online marketing campaigns, such as email, social media, or paid ads.

The goal of a lead generation landing page is to persuade visitors to fill out a form, sign up for a free trial, download a lead magnet, or take any other action that will move them further along the sales funnel.

However, creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is not as easy as it sounds. You need to consider various factors, such as the offer, the design, the copy, the form, and the optimization.

In this blog post, we will show you how to create lead-generation landing pages that convert by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Define your offer and audience
  • Step 2: Choose a landing page builder
  • Step 3: Craft a catchy headline and subheadline
  • Step 4: Write clear and compelling copy
  • Step 5: Use relevant and attractive visuals
  • Step 6: Optimize your lead capture form
  • Step 7: Add social proof and trust signals
  • Step 8: Include a strong call to action
  • Step 9: Test and optimize your landing page
  • Step 10: Promote your landing page

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Define your offer and audience

The first step to creating a lead generation landing page that converts is to define your offer and audience. Your offer is what you are giving away in exchange for the visitor’s contact information. It could be a free ebook, a webinar, a consultation, a coupon, or anything else that provides value to your prospects.

The people most likely to be interested in your offer, your product, or your service make up your audience. You must comprehend their problems, demands, objectives, difficulties, and motives.

To define your offer and audience, you need to answer these questions:

  • What issue are you resolving for your potential customers?
  • What benefit are you providing them with your offer?
  • How does your offer relate to your product or service?
  • Who are your ideal customers?
  • What are their demographics, psychographics, and behaviors?
  • Where do they hang out online?
  • How do they search for solutions to their problem?

By answering these questions, you will be able to create a relevant and valuable offer that matches the needs and interests of your target audience.

Step 2: Choose a landing page builder

The next step to creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is to choose a landing page builder. A landing page builder is a tool that allows you to create and customize landing pages without coding or design skills. It usually comes with templates, drag-and-drop elements, integrations, analytics, and other features that make the process easier and faster.

There are many landing page builders available in the market, such as Unbounce, Leadpages, Instapage, Drift, and HubSpot. Each one has its own pros and cons, so you need to compare them based on your budget, goals, preferences, and requirements.

Some of the factors that you should consider when choosing a landing page builder are:

  • Ease of use: How user-friendly is the interface? How intuitive are the features? How much time does it take to create a landing page?
  • Customization: How much control do you have over the design and layout of your landing page? How flexible are the templates? How many elements can you add or modify?
  • Integration: How well does the tool integrate with other platforms and tools that you use for your marketing campaigns? For example, email marketing software, CRM software, analytics tools, etc.
  • Optimization: How does the tool help you optimize your landing page for conversions? Does it offer features such as A/B testing, heatmaps, analytics, etc.?
  • Support: How helpful and accommodating is the customer support staff? How many resources and tutorials are available for learning how to use the tool?

By choosing a landing page builder that suits your needs and preferences, you will be able to create high-quality landing pages without hassle.

Step 3: Craft a catchy headline and subheadline

The third step to creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is to craft a catchy headline and subheadline. When someone visits your page, the heading is the first thing they see. It should capture their attention and curiosity by stating the main benefit of your offer.

The subheadline is the second thing that visitors see when they land on your page. It should support and expand on the headline by providing more details or information about your offer.

To craft a catchy headline and subheadline, you need to follow these tips:

  • Use clear and simple language that your audience can understand
  • Use powerful words that evoke emotion and urgency, such as “free”, “guaranteed”, “proven”, “secret”, “now”, etc.
  • Use numbers or statistics that demonstrate the value or credibility of your offer, such as “How to Increase Your Conversion Rate by 300% in 30 Days”
  • Use questions or challenges that address your audience’s pain points or goals, such as “Are You Struggling to Generate Leads Online?” or “How to Build a Successful Online Business in 2021”
  • Use formulas or templates that make it easier to write headlines, such as “How to [Achieve Desired Outcome] in [Timeframe]”, “[Number] Ways to [Solve a Problem]”, “[Number] [Adjective] [Noun] That Will [Benefit]”, etc.

By crafting a catchy headline and subheadline, you will be able to hook your visitors and entice them to read more.

Step 4: Write clear and compelling copy

The fourth step to creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is to write clear and compelling copy. The copy is the text that explains your offer and persuades your visitors to take action. It should be concise, relevant, and engaging.

To write clear and compelling copy, you need to follow these tips:

  • Use the inverted pyramid method, which means starting with the most important information and ending with the least important information
  • Use bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs to break up the text and make it easier to scan
  • Use the AIDA formula, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This means capturing the attention of your visitors with your headline and subheadline, generating interest in your offer with your benefits and features, creating desire for your offer with your social proof and trust signals, and prompting action with your call to action
  • Use the “you” perspective, which means addressing your visitors directly and using words like “you”, “your”, and “yours”. This makes your copy more personal and conversational
  • Use the voice of the customer, which means using the words and phrases that your audience uses to describe their problem, solution, and outcome. This makes your copy more relevant and relatable
  • Use testimonials, case studies, or stories to illustrate the success or satisfaction of your previous or current customers. This makes your copy more credible and persuasive.

By writing clear and compelling copy, you will be able to communicate the value of your offer and convince your visitors to convert.

Step 5: Use relevant and attractive visuals

The fifth step to creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is to use relevant and attractive visuals. Visuals are images, videos, icons, or graphics that complement your copy and enhance your message. They should be high-quality, relevant, and attractive.

To use relevant and attractive visuals, you need to follow these tips:

  • Use images or videos that show your offer in action or demonstrate the outcome or benefit of using it. For example, if you are offering a free ebook, you can use an image of the ebook cover or a video of someone reading it
  • Use icons or graphics that highlight or summarize your benefits or features. For example, if you are offering a webinar on how to grow your email list, you can use icons or graphics that represent the topics or tips that you will cover
  • Use colors that match your brand identity and create contrast with your background. For example, if you have a blue logo, you can use blue as the dominant color for your visuals and white as the background color
  • Use fonts that are easy to read and match your tone of voice. For example, if you have a professional tone of voice, you can use fonts that are clean and simple
  • Use white space or negative space to create balance and focus on your page. White space is the empty space between or around your elements. It helps reduce clutter and improve readability

By using relevant and attractive visuals, you will be able to capture the attention of your visitors and reinforce your message.

Step 6: Optimize your lead capture form

The sixth step to creating a lead generation landing page that converts is to optimize your lead capture form. The lead capture form is the element that collects the contact information of your visitors in exchange for your offer. It should be easy to fill out and submit.

To optimize your lead capture form, you need to follow these tips:

  • Ask for only the essential information that you need to qualify or segment your leads. For example, if you are offering a free consultation, you may only need the name, email address, phone number, and company name of your visitors
  • Use clear and descriptive labels for each field. For example, instead of using \”Email\”, use “Your Email Address”
  • Use placeholders or examples to guide your visitors on what to enter in each field. For example, instead of using “Name”, use “Name (e.g. John Smith)”
  • Use validation or feedback messages to indicate if the input is correct or incorrect. For example, use a green check mark or a red cross to show if the email address is valid or invalid
  • Use a clear and enticing button text that indicates what will happen after clicking it. For example, use “Get Your Free Ebook Now”, instead of using just “Submit”.
  • Use contrast and whitespace to make your form stand out and easy to spot. For example, use a different colour for your button then your background and leave some space around your form

By optimizing your lead capture form, you will be able to increase the number of visitors who complete and submit it.

Step 7: Add social proof and trust signals

The seventh step to creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is to add social proof and trust signals. Social proof and trust signals are elements that show that your offer is credible, valuable, and popular. They help reduce the skepticism and hesitation of your visitors and increase their confidence and trust in you.

Following are a few examples of social proof and trust signals:


These are quotes or statements from your previous or current customers that express their satisfaction or success with your offer or product or service. They should include the name, photo, and credentials of the customer, as well as the specific benefit or outcome that they achieved


These are ratings or feedback from your previous or current customers that evaluate your offer or product or service based on various criteria, such as quality, usability, features, etc. They should include the number of stars, the number of reviews, and the average score

Case studies:

These are stories or reports that showcase how your offer or product or service helped your previous or current customers solve their problems or achieve their goals. They should include the problem, the solution, the results, and the testimonial of the customer


These are images of the brands or organizations that have used your offer or product or service or have endorsed you. They should include the name and logo of the brand or organization, as well as a brief explanation of how they are related to you


These are recognitions or honors that you have received from reputable sources for your offer or product or service or your performance. They should include the name and logo of the source, as well as the name and description of the award


These are validations or accreditations that you have obtained from authoritative sources for your offer or product or service or your expertise. They should include the name and logo of the source, as well as the name and description of the certification

By adding social proof and trust signals, you will be able to boost your credibility and authority and persuade your visitors to convert.

Step 8: Include a strong call to action

The eighth step to creating a lead generation landing page that converts is to include a strong call to action. The call to action is the element that tells your visitors what to do next after reading your landing page. It must be appealing, easy to understand and brief.

To include a strong call to action, you need to follow these tips:

  • Use action verbs that indicate what will happen after clicking it. For example, use “Download”, “Register”, “Join”, “Start”, etc.
  • Use benefit-oriented language that highlights what your visitors will get after clicking it. Use phrases like \”Sign Up for Our Free Webinar and Learn How to Build Your Startup Online,\” \”Download Your Free Ebook and Learn How to Boost Your Conversion Rate by 300%,\” etc.
  • Use urgency words that create a sense of scarcity or exclusivity for your offer. For example, use “Limited Time Offer”, “Only 10 Spots Left”, “Today Only”, etc.
  • Use contrast and size to make your call to action stand out and easy to click. For example, use a different colour for your button than your background and make it large enough to be noticed
  • Use one call to action per landing page to avoid confusion and distraction. For example, if you have multiple offers on your landing page, use one button for each offer and label them accordingly

By including a strong call to action, you will be able to motivate your visitors to take action and convert.

Step 9: Test and optimize your landing page

The ninth step to creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is to test and optimize your landing page. Testing and optimizing your landing page means measuring its performance and making changes based on data and feedback. It helps you improve your conversion rate and achieve your goals.

To test and optimize your landing page, you need to follow these steps:

  • Define your key performance indicators (KPIs), which are metrics that measure how well your landing page is achieving your goals. For example, some common KPIs for lead generation landing pages are conversion rate, bounce rate, time on page, etc.
  • Set up your tracking tools, which are platforms or software that collect and analyze your data and feedback. For example, some common tracking tools for lead-generation landing pages are Google Analytics, Hotjar, SurveyMonkey, etc.
  • Run your tests, which are experiments that compare different versions of your landing page or its elements to see which one performs better. For example, some common tests for lead generation landing pages are A/B tests, multivariate tests, usability tests, etc.
  • Analyze your results, which are insights or conclusions that you draw from your data and feedback. For example, some common results for lead-generation landing pages are heat maps, reports, charts, etc.
  • Implement your changes, which are modifications or improvements that you make to your landing page or its elements based on your results. For example, some common changes for lead generation landing pages are changing the headline, adding a video, reducing the number of fields, etc.

By testing and optimizing your landing page, you will be able to increase your conversion rate and achieve your goals.

Step 10: Promote your landing page

The tenth and final step to creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is to promote your landing page. Promoting your landing page means driving traffic or visitors to your landing page from various sources and channels. It helps you reach more potential customers and generate more leads.

To promote your landing page, you need to use these strategies:

Email marketing:

This is the process of sending emails to your existing or potential customers to inform them about your offer and invite them to visit your landing page. You can use email marketing software, such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or AWeber, to create and send email campaigns

Social media marketing:

This is the process of using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, to share your offer and link to your landing page. You can use social media tools, such as Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social, to manage and schedule your social media posts

Paid advertising:

This is the process of paying for ads on search engines, such as Google or Bing, or websites, such as YouTube, Quora, or Medium, to display your offer and link to your landing page. You can use advertising tools, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, or Facebook Ads, to create and run your ads

Content marketing:

This is the process of creating and distributing valuable content, such as blog posts, ebooks, videos, podcasts, or infographics, that relate to your offer and link to your landing page. You can use content marketing tools, such as WordPress, Medium, or Canva, to create and publish your content

Influencer marketing:

This is the process of collaborating with influential people in your niche or industry who have a large and loyal following on social media or other platforms to promote your offer and link to your landing page. You can use influencer marketing tools, such as BuzzSumo, Upfluence, or AspireIQ, to find and connect with influencers

By promoting your landing page, you will be able to drive more traffic and generate more leads.

How to know your lead generation landing pages are conversion-ready?

To know if your lead generation landing pages are conversion-ready, you need to check if they meet these criteria:

  • They have a clear and catchy headline and subheadline that state the main benefit of the offer
  • They have a relevant and attractive visual that shows the offer in action or demonstrates the outcome or benefit of using it
  • They have a concise and compelling copy that explains the offer and persuades the visitors to take action
  • They have a simple and optimized form that asks for only the essential information
  • They have a strong and enticing call to action that tells the visitors what to do next
  • They have social proof and trust signals that show that the offer is credible, valuable, and popular

If your lead generation landing pages meet these criteria, then they are likely to convert well. However, if they don’t meet these criteria, then you may need to make some changes or improvements based on data and feedback.

Some good examples of lead generation landing pages

Lead generation landing pages are web pages that are designed to capture the contact information of potential customers who are interested in your product or service. They usually offer something valuable to your visitors in exchange for their contact information, such as a free ebook, a webinar, a consultation, or a coupon.

Here are some good examples of lead-generation landing pages:

Drift –

This landing page has a catchy headline and subheadline that highlights the value proposition of Drift, a video that showcases the features and benefits of the software, and a simple form that offers a free demo.

GetResponse –

This landing page has a superb organization that makes it easy to scan and understand. It has a clear headline that states the problem that GetResponse solves, a subheadline that offers a solution, and a button that leads to a free trial.

Adobe –

This landing page has active words that create a sense of urgency and excitement. It has a headline that challenges the visitors to unleash their creativity, a subheadline that offers a free trial of Adobe Creative Cloud, and a button that prompts them to start now.

Pop-up on Adobe\’s Landing Page

HubSpot –

This landing page has a clear and simple design that focuses on the offer and the form. It has a headline that states the benefit of the offer, a subheadline that offers a free trial of HubSpot, and a form that asks for basic contact information. It also has social proof and trust signals that show the number of customers, reviews, and awards that HubSpot has.

Shopify –

This landing page has a catchy and bold headline that challenges the visitors to start their own online store. It has a subheadline that offers a free 14-day trial of Shopify, and a button that leads to a form that asks for an email address. It also has a video that showcases the features and benefits of Shopify.


These are some good examples of lead-generation landing pages. You can see how they use different elements, such as headlines, subheadlines, visuals, forms, buttons, social proof, and trust signals, to attract, engage, and persuade their visitors to take action. I hope this helps you get some more inspiration for your own landing pages.


Creating a lead-generation landing page that converts is not a simple task. It requires planning, research, creativity, testing, and optimization. However, by following the steps that we have outlined in this blog post, you will be able to create a lead-generation landing page that converts.

We hope that this blog post has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading and happy lead generating!

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