


The Metaverse is a dreamlike destination, where reality and imagination blur together, and endless possibilities await. Imagine a world where you can craft a digital version of yourself, a reflection of your innermost desires and aspirations, and set out on a journey through unknown dimensions, where you can meet, interact and collaborate with fellow dreamers. A place where technology, creativity, and imagination come together to create an experience that transcends the bounds of reality. The…

A place of wonder, magic and power, the Neoverse is a completely different world, god, dwarves, trolls, and elves all coexist peacefully in these lands…or do they? Long ago, In the distant past, the gods and their offspring engaged in an endless battle for control of the universe and the right to be regarded as the one true deity.  All the gods had fought and destroyed each other, putting an end to the protracted horrific…